KANNA Ayesha

Thématics :  Blockchain, Digital, Fintech, Future, Artificial intelligence, Technology, Digital trends, Urban planning, Intelligent and connected cities.
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Ayesha Khanna is the co-founder and CEO of ADDO AI, an artificial intelligence consulting firm and incubator. She is a strategic consultant in artificial intelligence, smart cities and fin-tech with clients such as SMRT, Singapore’s largest public transport company, SmartDubai, which is transforming the city’s governance and service delivery, and YES Bank, one of India’s largest banks.
In 2017, ADDO AI was featured in Forbes magazine as one of the top four artificial intelligence companies in Asia.
Ayesha has spent more than a decade on Wall Street developing large-scale trading, risk management and data analysis systems. She was co-founder of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a research group and consulting firm created to analyze the social and economic impact of technology acceleration. She led the LSE’s (London School of Economics) Cities of the Future group and was an academic advisor at Singularity University.
Ayesha Khanna has been named as one of Singapore’s leading women entrepreneurs and one of Fintech’s most influential figures in Asia. She also served on the Singapore Ministry of Education committee to discuss future skills and learning applied to emerging industries.
Ayesha Khanna is the author of “Straight Through Processing”, and co-author of “Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization”. She is the founder of 21C GIRLS, a charity that offers free coding and artificial intelligence courses to girls in Singapore.
ON IA https://youtu.be/-7fRDNaMvHM

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